Seasonal dishes – enjoying a good autumn dish?

If you're feeling a bit sad at the thought of arriving in the autumn-winter period when the days are getting shorter by the minute and it's getting colder, be aware of the positive things that are happening! Among them, our food that renews itself. New fruits and vegetables are appearing on the shelves. So what to eat as good autumn dishes?

What to eat in autumn?

Autumn is characterized as the season of cold and humidity. At the end of summer, when we eat fresh, raw and mostly sweet foods, we should favour another type of food. You only have to look at what nature provides us with to understand what transition we need to make. The first obvious step is to reintegrate hot, more consistent foods, which will help the body to resist the first low temperatures. Without you really realizing it, you may already have the reflex to instinctively turn to fatter, more comforting seasonal dishes. The majority of autumn fruits and vegetables are adapted to the specific needs of our body during this period, so they are less waterlogged and more consistent! On the stalls, you can find all kinds of dried fruits such as walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, but also apples, grapes, pears, figs... As for vegetables, it is clearly cabbage and squash season! Potatoes, spinach, beetroot and Jerusalem artichokes are also in the spotlight. Each season offers its share of fresh products that are more than beneficial for the body's proper functioning. It's time to fill up!

Pick your own seasonal produce

Some producers open their farms and allow consumers to come directly to pick their apples, nuts... It must be said that fall is the ideal season for a picking session with friends or family! The sun isn't too shy yet, pretty colours have settled in the trees, what better way to spend an afternoon with your basket picking your own fresh produce? You know where they come from, under what conditions they have grown and you can discuss this with the producer. Everything is done in a short circuit and you come back with a basket full of good fruits and vegetables. Don't hesitate to go to the markets too, if you don't have the opportunity to visit a farm near you. The main thing is to keep this proximity which is finally important, the satisfaction of cooking a dish with the products you know will be even greater. Are you lucky enough to have your own vegetable garden? It's time to roll up your sleeves and pick up the vegetables that have grown this year! As you can see, enjoying an autumn dish already starts by getting yourself in shape and getting involved in the way you eat.

Shopping online for seasonal food

Are you one of those people who don't have the time to travel because they have a busy schedule or because they have to manage several things at the same time? Maybe you just don't like to put your hands in the ground and face temperatures that are already not so mild? There's nothing wrong with that, everyone has their own preferences. Luckily for you, there is a perfect solution: shopping on the Internet. In this day and age, when processed products found in supermarkets are more than disparaged, it's important to understand how eating raw products contributes to better health. So you can still order fresh fruit and vegetables, organic if you prefer, from market gardeners who work with online platforms. Depending on the conditions of sale, specific days and delivery areas are determined. Click here to know more. Eating fresh, local, seasonal fruit and vegetables has never been easier thanks to home shopping delivery.

Fall recipe ideas

Autumn is the perfect season to concoct delicious dishes such as soups or velvets. All squashes are perfect for this! For example, you can prepare a hazelnut pastry velouté: you need 1 white pastry, 10 cl of milk (animal or vegetable), about fifteen whole hazelnuts and fresh cream. Once the pastry has been washed and cut into pieces, it is cooked in boiling salted water for 15 minutes. During this time, reduce the hazelnuts to crumbs. Once the pastry is cooked, remove some of the cooking juices, then add the milk and cream. Add pepper and salt for seasoning. Finally, mix the preparation (less than 40 seconds), add the pieces of hazelnuts and mix again. The velouté is ready! Vegetables are inevitably in the spotlight, a good autumn pan with Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, chestnuts and butter will delight the taste buds. Fancy a good shepherd's pie? There are also more and more alternatives without meat, if you want to try, you can prepare a Parmentier minced meat based on crumbled smoked tofu, which is a surprising and convincing substitute for beef stuffing. For the rest of the stuffing, simply add diced carrots, a few mushrooms, onion and you're done!
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